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Get rid of dark circles

Nobody loves the look of dark circles under the eyes and there are many factors that can cause the appearance of ‘panda eyes’. Fortunately there are also a multitude of ways to avoid, minimise and even get rid of dark circles under your eyes.

There is no magic cure for dark circles, and each option or approach for each person is difference and will depend on the underlying cause of dark circles. If standard approaches do not aid to minimise the impact of dark circles, you should seek the assistance of a cosmetic doctor or specialist dermatologist.

Causes of dark circles

  1. Not getting enough sleep

  2. Smoking

  3. Allergies

  4. Sun Damage

  5. Aging

How to avoid or get rid of dark circles

  1. Get better sleep

    Suffering from sleep deprivation can darken the blood vessels under the eyes and contribute to fluid build up which creates a dark shadow. Lack of sleep can also increase stress levels, which in turn can make dark circles appear worse. You should aim to get 7 - 8 hours of sleep per night to aid in warding off dark circles.

  2. Cold compresses are your friend

    Cold compresses can help reduce swelling and skrink blood vessels that are dialated under the eyes, leading to a reduced darkened appearance. Simple remedies include a a cold wet face washer applied to the skin for 20 minutes or ice ice cubes wrapped in a face washer and applied for up to 5 minutes. Gel eye masks that can be in the freezer until required are also effective and should be applied for up to 10 minutes.

  3. Don’t sleep flat

    Try elevating your head slightly when you sleep as this will aid in keeping fluid from building u punder your eyes overnight and will assist in preventing puffiness when you wake up. When your eyes are puffy, this can cast a shadow on the lower lid which gives the appearance of dark circles. You can achieve slight head elevation simply by doubling your pillows at night.

  4. Tea Bags

    A cool tea bag can aid in reducing the appearance of dark circles because the caffeine and antioxidants work together to help shrink blood vessels, stimulate circulation and reduce puffiness. After your cup of tea, don’t throw your tea bag out. Instead, pop it in the fridge for 10 minutes or so and then relax and pop then over your eyes for about 30 minutes. You will get benefits from any tea bag, but green tea is especially helpful because its content can also help tighten the skin under your eyes.

  5. Cucumbers are not just for salads

    When you think movie montage facial, you think cucumbers, right? It might look a little silly but did you know that cucumbers are packed full of vitamin K which aids to reduce dark circles by strengthening the blood vessel walls and making them less visible under the skin whilst also acting as a cool compress? Cucumbers aren’t miracle workers so they likely won’t rid you of dark circles but they can certianly aid in reducing their appearance. When you are cutting up your next salad, make sure you leave a little bit of fresh cucumber spare. Simply cut the cucumber into medium to thick slices and pop them in the fridge for around half an hour. Give yourself an excuse for self pampering and rest by popping them on your eyes for 10 -15 minutes twice a day.

  6. Keep allergies under control

    Itchy and scratchy eyes that come as a package deal with allergies can contribute to dark circles as a result of the inevitable rubbing that happens when your eyes are irritated. This rubbing create puffiness which can lead to dark circles. If you suffer from alleriges, being vigilant with your antihistamine can reduce allergy symptoms and the less then ideal dark circle side effect. However, if you do not suffer from allergies, this rememdy is not for you.

  7. Laser therapy for pigmentation

    Dark circles can also be a result of genetics or sun damage where excess melanin is produced. In this case, laser therapy may be useful in reducing the appearance of dark circles by improving collagen and reducing pigmentation. Being a medical procudure, lasrer therapy should only be undertaken by a qualified medical practitioner and can produce side effects such as irritation and swelling for several days after the treatment.

  8. Brighten that skin

    Skin brightening serums, gels and creams that are readily availble can remove dead cells and improve the appearance of dull skin. In addition to a maintained skin routine, opt for a vitamin C or niacinamide product to aid in reducing the appearance of dark circles as a result of icreased melanin production. Other brightening products such as retinol or vitamin A are not recommended so close to the eye as this can result in irritation. For those looking for a cosmeceutical grade vitamin C serum, we recommend the Ultraceuticals Ultra C range - available in-clinic and online! Free skin consultations are also available in-clinic at a time that suits you - Book HERE.

    Important: If you are using a vitamin C product, this will increase cell turnover therefore to minimise the risk of UV damage, a good quality SPF of 30 or higher should also be applied regularly.

  9. Dermal fillers for the under-eye area

    By using a quality filler injected by a qualified and experienced cosmetic medical professional, you may be able to increase the volume in that area and reduce the appearance of shadows or under eye hollows. Filler works to achieve this by putting space between the skin and blood vessels so they are not as close to the surface, while also filling and smoothing out any hollowing that can also cause shadowing.

    Book your free consultation HERE.

Not all causes are under eye darkness are easily treatable, however there are plenty of available remedies to aid in reducing the appearance while also helping you to establish a great self care routine. If you are concerned about your dark circles, book a free consultation to get further advice.

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